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Balochistan: The 21st National Council Session is continued.

Balochistan: The 21st National Council Session is continued.

The 21st National Council Session of Baloch Students Organization Azad is continued. Defeat the enemy in political, social and academic field: Karima Baloch

August 1, 2018

The 21st National Council Session of Baloch Students Organization Azad (BSO Azad), on the name of the Central Secretary General Ezzat Baloch, Information Secretary Lakhmir Baloch and the Prisoners of Independence, is continued under the presidency of Central Senior Voice Chairman Kamal Baloch.

On the first day of the Council Session, the inaugural speech of chairman, organizational report and constitutional formation were discussed among the agendas of the first day. The 21st National Council Session began with two minutes silence in the memory of Martyrs of Balochistan and national anthem, “Mah Chukkeen Balochani.”

Chairperson Karima Baloch in her message for the 21st National Council Session said that she congratulates all members, whether present in the session or not. In her message, she added that “the national trustworthiness, the BSO, which is associated with our future, that is the guarantor of our coming generation, which has been mobilized and organized by you in this sensitive era by tolerating much difficulty, and today we are transferring the BSO to the new generation as our leaders had handed over it to us. We are well aware of one thing that we faced every difficulty, we tolerated every discomfort and will have to face such hardships in future too because the shadow of the dark night still exists. Our hundreds of colleagues have been martyred finishing this dark night, several have been/are the victim of the state tyranny and are tolerating hardships in the torture cells. Zakir Majeed, Zahid Baloch, Ezzat, Nodan, Lakhmir, Cheragh and several other colleagues who are illegally detained in torture cells and couldn’t participate in this session are the victim of state barbarism, but their tolerance and hope will surely encourage our colleagues. Despite facing all these difficulties and passing through this difficult process, we should not forget that our colleagues tolerated all these hardships that our nation would see a better future where we live our life with equality, justice and freedom. Today the state is implementing the policy to harm us with its death squads and religious groups, but we shouldn’t forget that if we would be weak, then its main reason will be our internal differences, there is no such other power to weaken us”.

Chairperson said that the fascist powers are emerging in world once again and the world to moving towards devastation once again. As a political activist, it is our responsibility that we should be aware of the Baloch politics and the world politics, analyze them on true basis and formulate strategies for our national independence. We see that the global system of United Nation, which came into existence after the defeat of the fascist powers in World War II (WWII), is inhaling its last breaths, and world is moving towards a new system. Those negative powers which were defeated in WWII who created the trend of subjugation of other nations by fascism, racism and power, those existed in the form of Japan and Germany, that trend is reviving once again. Due to the weakness of the global system, those ideologies and apolitical behaviors which believe in the use of power savagely, are distorting the democratic values.               

We shouldn’t be the victim of the attractive slogan of the fascism which is based on the national superiority and inferiority of other nations, but we should try to understand the existing clear difference between the nationalism and fascism. We need to learn from the history that whenever the fascist powers emerged, they faced defeat because of their inhuman role and negative ideologies. We should not commit any mistake understating the thin line which exists between nationalism and fascism. The ideology of our national independence is based over the freedom of every individual; their democratic rights, right of expression and the right to select their better future.

Chairperson further said that Pakistan was established on the basis of the religious extremism and racism which couldn’t been surfaced due to adaption of different name, but today the struggle of Baloch nationalism exposed the dirty face of Pakistan, and today it has come on surface without any cover, and is busy in the struggle for the promotion of the religious fascism through its state elections. Today Paksitan in its internal politics is giving important portfolios and authorities using the democratic-cover, and the Pakistan Army and ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) are involved in all these feats. To finish credentials of the democracy in Pakistan and in world, for the first time, the democracy itself is being used to finish it. On the name of so-called democracy, Pakistan is prolonging its occupation by using barbarism over the Baloch nation and considering its barbarism legitimate. We should try to understand the real democratic system and undemocratic system.

Wherever in the world the fascist powers emerged, they used national interests as a justification for it, but the religious fascism is emerging in Paksitan and the Pakistan Army is its mentor, and the Baloch nation is on top of the list as its significant victim. The fascism which is emerging in this region under the mentorship of  Pakistan Army will put sever impacts on Baloch nation, and then the entire world will be under its effects, because it is impossible for the world to save itself from the effects of the religious fascism.

Karima Baloch said to the activists of BSO Azad that as the political activists we should understand the difference between fascism and nationalism. She added that we should be very attentive that the national movement won’t be harm due to lake of knowledge and our emotions. Today those individuals who are the part of the Baloch movement cannot tolerate the criticism over their weaknesses by using national interests as a safety card and an excuse; such acts will harm our political culture. We should oppose the negative traditions of this system in our political circles and institutions and should struggle to reach to their roots. We should oppose all such traditions which try to divert the direction of our struggle.  We should criticize dictatorship and apolitical behaviors. We need to struggle to put the basis of nationalism on democratic traditions and freedom. Our political culture should be the base of free Balochistan.

If we want freedom from the “Mullah-Military Theocratic Politics” of Pakistan, then despite hate, we have to defeat the enemy in political, social and academic fields. If we will be higher in the political and human moral values than Pakistan, then that day will be the day of our freedom. The day when we step up towards unity defeating our internal differences, then that will be our day of freedom. The act of freedom is generated inwardly and Pakistan is a country which does not have the human moral values. If we copy Pakistan and try to crush the moral values, then there will be no difference between us and the occupier, and such freedom is incomplete, but will be considered as half freedom. The Baloch political activists and students, despite being the victim of verbal slogans, should keep struggling with consistency for the establishment of an independent Baloch state.

Question, criticism, political discourse, promotion of political and culture of gain of knowledge are our responsibility, and it is also our responsibility that we should struggle for the free Baloch state in Balochistan and at foreign levels. We should try to tie our interests with the independent world. We should not let such traditions in our institutions which harm our intuitions, our political culture and seize the growth of our talents. Today the colleagues of BSO Azad should know that the sacrifices of the several colleagues are included in keeping the BSO Azad active in its independent status. We have always loved this institution greater than our lives and our families, and I hope that our coming colleagues will work on the same philosophy and will make the struggle to reach its destination. BSO Azad’s colleagues will not let anyone interfere in the organizational affairs and will not permit anyone to create obstacles in the process of decision making. I hope that BSO Azad leaders will bring BSO in a different manner in the Baloch society which will be the real spokesperson of the Baloch people in Baloch society, and will perform every act on the basis of knowledge and consciousness. We have lost many colleges in this difficult journey, their space cannot be filled, but every youth of BSO Azad will bring this struggle a step forward and will be the real heir of the ideology and act of their colleagues.

Chairperson further said that the membership of BSO will always be an honor for me and I will always feel proud to be a member of BSO because I got much to learn from this platform. The experience and knowledge which I received from the platform of BSO is the rare gift of my life. The education which I received during the 12 year journey of BSO Azad will always lead me.

In the last of her speech, she said that “I am stepping down from my designation and membership (with the end of tenure), but I say with pride that BSO is my identity and my life will be incomplete without it. The colleagues of BSO who are present in this session are the hope of my future. I will always be with my colleges in every time of hardship.

On the first day of the 21st National Council Session, a discussion was held on the organizational report and constitutional formation after the inaugural speech of the chairperson. The debate on the agenda of constitutional formation will continue on the second day as it couldn’t be completed in the first day of session.


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