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Existence of Pakistan is a bad omen for humanity – Dr. Allah Nazar Baloch

The Baloch pro-independence leader, Dr Allah Nazar Baloch, in
a statement, dubbed the silence of the United Nations and other
universal human rights organizations regarding the ongoing military
operations in Balochistan and all out genocide of Baloch nation as a
dark chapter in human history. He said the state forces, in
collaboration of its proxies, are engaged in Baloch genocide. At present
no area of ??Balochistan is spared of oppression and abuses. Here, on
the daily basis, looting of general population, military operations,
violence and kidnappings are a routine.
Similarly, the occupational forces have even brought an
increase to the custodial killings, he added. Yesterday, the body of
Noor Ahmed Baloch, who was martyred after being kept in custody for one
and a half years, was found in District Kech. The conspicuous silence of
the human rights organizations on the war crimes of the state clearly
indicate that, either they are partner in crime in Baloch massacre or
totally helpless against the might of the state. While being helpless,
they should lock down their whole-sale human rights vending machines.
Because, in the name of human rights, it is an insult to humanity if
they are incapable to act, neglect, being impotent. Thus it is
considered nothing more than a lucrative business.
He further said, along with the so called human rights
organizations, the civil society and the media have also jumped into the
band wagon of state-narrative-defense-league. Today, the so called free
media is using the state narrative as propaganda against unarmed Baloch
civilians and trying to label the Baloch as terrorist. While being
completely silent on the non-stop Baloch genocide and exploitation in
Baluchistan. On a day in history, they all will also be held accountable
for Pakistan's war crimes. At this time, many areas in Makran have been
sealed off with military camps and outposts that have made people's
lives miserable. The entire Balochistan is offering a scene of a
military camp.
He said that our struggle for freedom in Balochistan is the
natural right of the Baloch nation and our national movement is being
waged in accordance to the rules and regulations accepted by the
international community. But, the Pakistani state, devoid of any
civility, in order to perpetuate its occupation of Baloch homeland and
for completion of its exploitive and military projects, has escalated
its military operations with regular forces and death squads. These are
difficult and dangerous times for the Baloch. But the Baloch nation, for
its national independence, will fight off all kinds of savagery of the
enemy. On the other hand, this level of barbarism and inhumane brutality
is also a challenge to the existence of the civilized nations and
international human rights institutions.
Dr Allah Nazar Baloch further said that with each passing
day, Pakistan's policies towards promoting religious extremism and
terrorism becoming more discernible. And now the time has come that
civilized countries along with the United Nations take direct action
against this terrorist state and in order to stop genocide and war
crimes in Balochistan, they must hold Pakistan responsible at global
forums and pave the way to establish a Free Balochistan. A Free
Balochistan can guarantee to keep the world, including this region, from
Pakistan’s extremism and terrorism. The only path towards peace,
security and sustainable development in this region, is subject to
Balochistan's independence.
The United States, providing Pakistan with billions of
dollars in the war against terrorism post 9/11, has now reached to the
conclusions that we have expressed long ago. Pakistan continued
swindling money from the United States and allies, the oxygen that
enabled its pursuit of not only accelerating Baloch genocide but
nurturing and strengthening religious extremists as well. There is still
time that America, its allies and other countries recognize the hidden
face of Pakistan; impose all kinds of sanctions on Pakistan so that the
terrorists' nursery and haven come to an end and the world could live
more peacefully. Every day, in Afghanistan and India, terrorists cross
the border to carry out terrorist acts, but if there is an incident
anywhere in the western world, terrorists are directly or indirectly
traced back to Pakistan. Therefore, the existence of this terrorist and
inhumane entity on the world map is not a good omen for humanity.
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